The ability to follow evidence where ever it leads requires humble intelligence. One must not be so arrogant as to think that they know the conclusion before they find the evidence. Closed-minded scientists cannot see that which they do not want to see. They prejudice their interpretations with preclusions and suffer from interpretive myopia. They willingly blind themselves. They disqualify themselves from being capable of offering interpretive objectivity. Their conclusions are not to be trusted.

Atheistic science forces atheistic conclusions regardless of the evidence. In contrast, a creation scientist can offer interpretations that conform to laws and forces predicted by design and acknowledge a supernatural origin of those governing forces.

Steven Weinberg is a good example of how some intelligent men fail the test of objectivity and humility. Arrogant science is bad science.

American physicist Steven Weinberg was awarded the 1979 Nobel Prize in physics. In 1999, he spoke to the Conference on Cosmic Design, hosted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science:
“Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion… I learned that the aim of this conference is to have a constructive dialogue between science and religion. I am all in favor of a dialogue between science and religion, but not a constructive dialogue. One of the great achievements of science has been, if not to make it impossible for intelligent people to be religious, then at least to make it possible for them not to be religious. We should not retreat from this accomplishment.”

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