The following is an answer to a question sent to Dr. Briney.

  1. Life has as much meaning as one desires to put into it. If you desire a fulfilled life, Jesus offers the abundant life. In John 10:10, Jesus says, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Some choose to dismay about the pointlessness of their lives and others choose to make a point with their lives. Thus, in any oversimplified way of saying it: there are sad people in the world and happy people. For many, it is a choice. For others, there may be a medical problem.
  2. Logical and rational conclusions lead us to truth. Evidence can help individuals who live by empiricism come to the same conclusion as those who live by faith alone. Different people require

    different reasons to derive the same conclusion, and they all believe their way is the best way. This does not mean that all ways are the best way to find truth. It is simply a statement describing how people are. Some need a reason to believe. Others believe regardless.

  3. It is not possible to prove true anything empirically. Thus, science seeks to verify with evidence that which is thought to be true, and to disprove that which is not. It is a system of empirically eliminating options.
  4. A logical and rational conclusion gives reason: 1) to seek further the truth of God, 2) to seek whether He is knowable on a personal level, and 3) to seek knowing Him perso The article at helps connect the evidence for an intelligent designer with the conclusion that He is God.
  5. Having shown that the logical and rational conclusion is that there is a God, the next question to ask is who is God. From here the follow up question will be how does God reveal truth. I have answers to four fundamental questions and more leading from the question of whether there is a God to who He is at This book will be of help to you.
  6. The conclusion in the above article is that Jesus Christ is God and that He reveals His truths in the Bible. Thus, the answer to the final question of how can you know God personally is answered in the Bible. The study guide at is a helpful resource to discover how to know God perso Once you find God, then you will be ready to find answers about what God’s purpose for life is all about and to live the abundant life.

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