What does life have that nonlife does not? On a cellular level, the difference is in the organization of its components. A living cell can acquire nutrients from its environment, catabolize those nutrients for energy and for more basic components and then synthesize those components into components it needs to continue the process of metabolism. An interruption of the metabolic pathways leads to death of the cell. However, putting living cells in suspended animation (by means such as quick freezing) maintains the organization of the chemical pathways and the components so that living cells in this condition can be thawed and renew their life processes.

The question of the origin of life is: how did these required life components and their organization come to be in the first place? Other than wishful mathematical models and speculative hypotheses, there are no real world examples or evidence that an organized system of components could spontaneously evolve. At best, scientists are able to reprogram and manipulate what is already in the cell, but how to start life eludes them. If intelligent men with sophisticated equipment and with carefully designed and controlled experiments cannot produce life in the laboratory, the claim that life spontaneously evolved from lifeless molecules defies physical laws and is absurd. The only rational explanation of the evidence and understanding of life is that life originated by creative design. There must be an intelligent Creator.

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