Don Batten’s article “Five atheist miracles” summarizes the unexplainable positions held by atheists in spite of evidence to the contrary.
Atheists believe in miracles
by Patrick R. Briney, Ph.D. | Apr 21, 2016 | Atheism, Creation insights | 2 comments
I am not an atheist, I am a strong agnostic. As far as miracles, let’s look at is this way. Winnie the Pooh once said that a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet. Well a miracle is just an event not explained yet. Epilepsy was a disease that made many think the individual was crazy or possessed. But thanks to science, we now understand it more. Maybe not completely yet, but understood. Something flying unnaturally in the sky? Now its as common as anything. Birds flying was a miracle,
Always remember that science depends on theory and empirical proof.
I understand what you saying about referring to the unexplained as a miracle. But I make a distinction between the unexplainable and a contradiction to what is known. Unexplained phenomena that do not violate laws of creation are unexplained mysteries. Unexplained phenomena that violate laws of creation, as we know them, are miracles. I say “as we know them” because God is a rational designer, and I think it is reasonable to assume He never violates His laws. Miracles are not just what we cannot explain, they are what laws say are impossible.